Energy Oracle Cards - Man Holding a Coin


Man Holding a Coin

My Interpretation of the Card


This card indicates a connection to a man who may help you financially, add value or be a potential love interest. This indicates a successful endeavour for your finances or health (if reading for a man). Be aware of a man who may be entering your life to assist in these areas. The person who may become a mentor is related to wealth or business and lead you on the right path in directing your financial future.


This card in reverse indicates an underappreciation of yourself. This card can indicate a man that may not have your best interests at heart in reference to money or may be dwindling your money. This person may be bringing a negative energy and could be influencing you now or from your past. They may diminish your value so it’s best to release these thoughts and feelings. Be weary of your finances and ensure that this male figure in your life isn’t taking advantage of you when it comes to your financial situation or career.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Male Connection in Money, Health, or Value


This card indicates an opportunity to further your goals surrounds money, health and value in your life. There is much success on the way if you take control of your finances and take action. There may be a person assisting in your finances or you’re soon to meet a healer. This man could bring in the right information you’ve been needing that’ll take you onto the next step. Be open to what is being sent and use your own intuition to make decisions based on this advice. This card can only indicate a potential new love interest with a man or man from work.


This card reversed shows that you may can be your own worst enemy when it comes to matters of money and health. You may be spending too much or not being aware of your choices and priorities. This card may indicate a man who may be acting against you for him own advancement. Be aware of men surrounding you that may be demanding or critical of you and do not let them overpower you.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Similar but not quite the same as the woman holding a coin (previous card). Still had the same underlying message of being aware of money, health, value and relationships so I was pretty much copying a male version of the previous card interpretation.