Energy Oracle Cards - Relax and Rejuvenation


Relax and Rejuvenation

My Interpretation of the Card


It’s time to slow down and give yourself a good rest. Things may have seemed frantic lately, you’ve been hard at work or on a project, or you’ve been helping people around you. It’s time to take a step back and refresh. Absorb the light to replenish your mind, body and spirit. It is both healing and regenerating. You will feel much better in yourself for taking some time for self-care. This will also be a good time for reflection and thing about what actions or steps you want to get done next in your path ahead.


Have you been taking on a bit too much lately? Are you generally feeling like everything is exhausting you? The universe is calling upon you to take some rest and rejuvenation. You may be ignoring the signs that you need to take a step back. Will the world fall apart if you took some time to look after yourself? Don’t let yourself get run down and recognise that you do need to take some time to refresh. Without bringing back balance in your life, you’ll continue to feel run down going forward.


 Guidebook meaning – Summarised

Relaxation and Meditation


This card shows a man in a meditative and peaceful state. You have been so busy lately that it’s time to relax. This card coming today means there should be more leisure time for you. Make it a priority to open yourself up to the universe and allow relaxation and meditation to flow in. You need to allow time for this activity in your life. This may be also a time for more peaceful thinking so allow yourself to let go in order to open up.


When this card is in reverse, this indicates an unseemly endless time of activity or business. Your help might be needed more on a project or situation. Do what you need to do but allow time for yourself to relax. When you’re rushing through life, we tend to not stop to care for ourselves. There may be a lot of items on your to do list but neglecting rest and relaxation can be detrimental to you. Try to make time to meditate, rest and relax so your energy is rejuvenated.


**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
Thought it was another good effort and my interpretation is very much like the guidebook's meaning. Although this is one of the easier cards, I feel like I didn't have to put as much effort thinking about what the card means.


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