Energy Oracle Cards - The Thinking Man


The Thinking Man

My Interpretation of the Card


There is a man holding a three-pointed clear quartz crystal really looking into it pondering a decision. The crystals do shine bright. This card indicates an important decision that you will need to make in the near future. Because you may feel like you may have various options to take, there will be an influencing person who will guide you onto the right decision for you. This influence may be a male family member, friend or partner. Maybe you’ve had difficulty coming to a decision and you’ll definitely get the guidance you seek.


This card in reverse indicates a sense of feeling lost in making decisions that impact your life and aspirations. You seem to be staring some decisions in the face or not feeling like you have the right options which is deterring you from making a decision. You may find that a male may be influencing your life but not for your benefit and in fact is steering you away from making a good decision or any decisions at all. Be aware of who this person may be and maybe distance yourself from them in order to gain some clarity.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Male of Wisdom or Understanding


This card shows a man gazing at a crystal in his hand and is very much thoughtful. This indicates that a man may be entering your life to mentor you and teach. This person will assist you in your chosen direction or be there to help during your spiritual, mental and emotional pursuits. Pay attention to changes occurring in your personal and professional growth. This card also shows the potential of a romance blossoming or a new male friend. Be open to what’s to come, learn as much as you can and recognise that their help can do wonders to your life.


This card in reverse indicates a male not acting in your best interests. This card is very much a reflection of you than anyone else in your life. This card shows some stumped learning and growth. You may be destined for a greater path that helps people – healer, therapist, teacher, but you aren’t looking out for the call and blocking the way. It’s time to break through and really hone in on your skills. Whatever you learn adds to your own personal growth and allows you to share with others.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

The reverse guidebook was very much on a different path to what I thought it was. I was purely going off intuition and couldn't really say that it was about personal blockage. Food for thought really.


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