Messenger Oracle - Heed Your Dreams

Messenger Oracle - Heed Your Dreams

My Interpretation of the Card
It is time to do away with your own fear and self-doubt when it comes to your own hopes and dreams. Don’t ignore the goals you want to achieve in life. There is no better time than right now, to listen to those dreams you have and make a start or move it along. Listen to your truth and apply it to your passion. There are answers all around that will help you on your journey.

Messenger Oracle Heed Your Dreams
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Your dreams are a powerful took for increasing self-awareness for they contain within them the unfiltered truth. Whether it be a dream or nightmare, there are keys to understanding your inner self – both your joys and your fears. Commune with Gaia and Great Spirit in the stillness of your slumber; learn to read and interpret your dreams. Listen to what they tell you. Pay close attention to how they make you feel. Heed what they reveal and learn who you are and who you wish to be.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I took a different approach to this card as I thought it was about goals in life rather than dreams that come about in sleep. I guess the card could go either way in my opinion depending on your situation. 

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