Messenger Oracle - Let the Emotions Flow

Messenger Oracle - Let the Emotions Flow

My Interpretation of the Card
You don’t need to hold in your emotions. If it’s because you are afraid to show it or people are making you feel bad for expressing yourself, just ignore that and allow your feelings and emotions to flow. It is more than okay to let it all out. If by letting it out, it allows you to deal with your emotions, then this will permit growth. Learn from your emotions and why they are there. Releasing them out to the Universe means that it will not stir inside of you. Letting go and clearing your emotions gives you space to clear and move forward.

Messenger Oracle Let the Emotions Flow
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Emotions flow like water. They can be joyous like a babbling, as deep and strong as a river. Give yourself permission to feel and experience them without judgement or blame. Do not try to deny them for that can only lead to harm and dis-ease. Do not damn them within you. Release them. Let them flow, and go. Allow yourself to feel them, and learn from them, as you embrace them for what they are – a natural response to the moment that you exist in that will pass as the moment passes.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think that I was on the right track but could have elaborated more. It might be that I'm slightly tired and might not be as connected as I usually am

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