Messenger Oracle - Observe in Silence

Messenger Oracle Observe in Silence
Messenger Oracle

Messenger Oracle - Observe in Silence

My Interpretation of the Card
Sometimes you might be quick to add in your opinion on a matter which ends up in heated discussion. This card appears today to just observe in silence – try to not have a direct reaction to what’s going on around you. Just take a moment to step back and not be fully involved. See the outcome of what’s happening by simply observing how it plays out. You might find by taking this silent approach, that you will learn that things can resolve themselves without any input from yourself. You don’t need to cause disruption if you just let it flow.

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Now is not the time to be the life of the party, nor to step forward into the role of leader or teacher. Be cautious. It may not be wise to draw attention to yourself or to reveal your plans to others at this time. Instead, be silent. Step back. Be still. Watch those around you and be mindful of what you see, hear or feel. Trust in your instincts and intuition and let them guide your steps.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I did a good job and could have expanded more about being mindful of others. Still appreciate my effort.

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