Energy Oracle Cards - Adjacent Possibilities


Adjacent Possibilities

My Interpretation of the Card


This card in upright position shows plenty of doors opening to may help you in your current projects and goals. As the signs start to reveal to you, take the time to consider them and see the benefits come into your life by being open to the opportunity. As the doors reveal themselves, walk through the doors that feel right. When the right door comes along, you’ll know it’s the one for you. It’s a bright path if you open yourself to receive what’s in store for you.


This card in reverse indicates some missed opportunities. Sometimes we are so focused on our path and miss the signs that there may be a new or better way of doing things. There may be opportunities that compliment what you’re currently working on personally and professionally. Don’t ignore the signs that may catapult your goals further. There are plenty of doors presenting themselves if you are open to receiving. Don’t ignore someone’s offer to help if they offer it to you.



 Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Many Unconsidered Options


Sometimes we get stuck in habit and are unaware of better options that might make us happier. This card is here to tell you that there are many options available if you take a wider view of things. There is a different door to the course you are meant to take. You will feel more empowered and in term of your goals, you’ll be presented with ideas that were not considered before, Be more aware of a different approach for your goals or there may be a person who comes along to assist you in a different direction that will move you forward.


When in Reverse, this card is warning you to not miss an opportunity that may be presenting itself. You may be so focused on the way you do things that you are blind to see a better or happier way of doing thing. You may have to look inwards to shake up your old patterns. Do away with self-doubt or worry around choices in your projects and goals. You may feel stuck in making a decision that can further your agenda but you shouldn’t let this define you. Try approach the situation with optimism and trust so you don’t miss an opportunity.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I did a reading on someon recently in which this card came up. I don't remember what side the card came up though I vaguely remembered what the card meant. I think I remembered well and got the card reading quite spot on in this practise.


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