Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Clearing

Angel of Clearing

My Interpretation of the Card

Has life seemed a bit scattered and you were lost to make a decision that would be beneficial? The angel comes today to offer a clear path to the answers you seek. You may have been waiting on a sign or an answer in order to overcome some challenges that you may have been facing. The angel is here to guide you on the path that you should be on and be open to the possibilities and opportunities that will come up.

Angel of Clearing

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Your time of confusion and waiting is soon to be over. The Angel of Clearing is at work trying to clear the path of focus, clarity and purpose in your life. The clearing will bring about balance into your life. Give thanks and accept the blessings coming your way. The doubt and frustration you would have experienced was a necessary part of your growth and like nature, the seasons change in cycles, much like life.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

My interpretation may not have been the best due to doing 6 readings for people from different parts of the world today. I was right but could have elaborated more. 

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