Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Communication

Angel of Communication

My Interpretation of the Card

The Angel is here today to assist you in communicated what you are feeling to others. You may find that you hold back due to fear of offending or upsetting someone. Just know that by not speaking your truth, it allows others to dictate the situation. What is the worst that could happen by simply letting people know how you are feeling? They shouldn’t discount what you have to say and need to know how you are feeling. Don’t be afraid to communicate what needs to be said. Having a healthy discussion is better than holding what you have to say inside. Call upon the Angel for guidance to help you have the confidence to say what is needed. They are here to bring some blue healing energy to your throat chakra to assist.

Angel of Communication

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

One of your major lessons in life is to learn to communicate clearly and effectively. You make assumptions that people know what you want or how you feel but they don’t due to you not communicating clearly, people may get confused by what you want and expect. You need to be clear in how you communicate and really state your truth. There is no harm in stating exactly how you feel. The underlying issue is fear of not being accepted or approved of, so you are afraid to speak up. The Angel is here to help you through this issue and help to empower you to communicate more clearly so nothing is misinterpreted. You will gain much respect for just stating how you truly feel.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I thought I my efforts today were quite good. Didn't think about some underlying that may have caused some issues with communication and was taking a more general approach of not communicating well. The picture on this card is so beautiful! I've never had it come up in my readings so I admire it a bit more today.

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