Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Diet & Nutrition

Angel of Diet & Nutrition

My Interpretation of the Card

We all like to indulge though maybe at this point in time, you are not placing into your body the right foods and drink. You may not have paid attention to all the things that don't serve your body well, nor have had enough water that really revitalises your body. it's time to take on the self-care and start nourshing your body with good food and drink. in turn, this will then nourish your mind and soul. If our physical body is in tune and healthy, then it translates onto the mind and soul. You can't be the happy and healthy being that you want to be by neglecting one aspect of your life. try to focus on this area to get a good flow back into your being.

Angel of Diet & Nutrition

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

You are being urged to pay attention to what you eat and drink. you know what is good for you and it's about paying attention and being more mindful. everything should be in moderation and you should have a balanced diet. This is also a time to pay attention to your thoughts. not only is good nutrition based on what we eat and drink but also based on our thoughts. Positive thoughts are nourishing like good food and drink can be. let go of the negative thoughts that swamp your mind and turn them into loving thoughts. don't be fearful of this and just let go.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Thought I was quite bang on, though I have had this card come up on a reading for myself before. It's quite self-explanatory based on the type of card it is.

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