Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Families

Angel of Families

My Interpretation of the Card

There may be some tension or conflict in amongst your family and friends right now, and the Angel is here today to provide support and guidance during this trying time. The peace will come if you work towards a resolution that is all on common ground. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth and although people may not agree and get upset, you have voiced what has needed to be said. Have an open mind to engage in your family or friends needs also, as they may need your support. This card may also indicate the coming together of family and friends that you may have lost contact with, or new people arriving into your life.

Angel of Families

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Do not worry about your family or loved ones as it will work out. The Angels are surrounding your family at the moment so feel their light and love. Surrender your fears and any concerns you may have for your family or loved ones and know that the situation is healed and being transformed right now. Imagine a beam of light surrounding your loved ones and love is emanating in this light. This healing energy will infuse into all family members including yourself. Thank the Angels for their assistance in this.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I took a different approach to the card because even though the card depicts healing, I felt I needed to be more specific as to what was happening. I thought the guidebook meaning was a bit vague.

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