Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Guidance

Angel of Guidance

My Interpretation of the Card

You may have been feeling lost lately and not sure which direction to take. You may feel overwhelmed in making a decision when presented with opportunities and not sure on which road to go down. The Angel is here today to bring about some much needed guidance in which you’ve been looking for answers. There is no need to worry for this is Divine timing. The Angel is here to assist so be open to what is going to be presented to you soon. The feeling will be right when you’re directed to the right answer towards your goals and dreams. Trust in the path that is about to come to you.

Angel of Guidance

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

You may have felt a bit lost or confused, perhaps not knowing which direction to take. The Angel has heard your cries for help and is here to guide you upon your chosen path. Close your eyes for a moment and feel the healing and calm swelling in your heart’s centre, filling your aura. Next imagine in your mind’s eye that there is a golden path surrounded with foliage of trees and flowers and visualise yourself upon this golden path, heading towards the sun beyond the horizon. The golden path symbolises your journey in this life whist the sun reflects your soul and guiding light. Stop trying to figure it all out and trust for you are on the right path, whether you know it or not. Practise the golden path meditation every day and allow the angel to guide you. You will have a new sense of direction and purpose very soon.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I was very much on the right track but didn't think about going in depth into a meditation. It was very nice to read and when I think about it, all cards can have an accompanying meditation. Something to think about any card readings I do.

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