Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of Relaxation

Angel of Relaxation

My Interpretation of the Card

It’s time to slow down and not overwhelm yourself with what ifs. You can’t control everything that happens and question what may happen, especially if something were to go wrong in a situation. You need to let go of this need for a particular outcome and not focus on it too much, nor put pressure on yourself if things go wrong. If you let go and let the Universe have control, then you shall see things starting to fall into place that creates a natural flow of events. If you’re trying to manipulate a situation for your desired outcome, you may just force the wrong results. Just relax and trust. This card may also indicate that you may be stretching yourself thin and it’s time to take a break for rejuvenation.

Angel of Relaxation

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Everything will fall into place and become clear so take it easy. The Angel has come today to keep you focused but also to help you relax. You can achieve or get whatever you wish but you are preventing the natural events to occur. Surrender your project or work over to the Universe, God, Goddess, Angels.. whatever you believe in and know that it will be taken care of. It’s time to relax and remember all your blessings. Take time to nourish yourself and stop worrying. By letting go, you open the space for your Angels and Universe to give you what you want.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I wanted to type something similar to the guidebook meaning but I couldn't express myself correctly. I was on the right track but could have written my meaning better. My head is congested though from allergies but I shouldn't use that as an excuse.

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