Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Angel of The Universe

Angel of The Universe

My Interpretation of the Card

You are being called upon to open your heart to the Universe. There are some truths that are going to be revealed to you and it’s about allowing yourself to be open to the Universe. You have the ability to think beyond and outside yourself. If you open your mind to some greater thinking, then this allows you to be more understanding and appreciative of others. You can also help others by allowing your heart to open and hold compassion in this way. This allows steps to be taken for your to connect to your higher self in and turn allows you to be your best and truest version of yourself.

Angel of The Universe

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

You are guided by your angels to look at your life and work from a broader, more universal perspective. The Angels congratulate you on all that you have done to date to serve and help humanity and those around you. Though it is time to move to the next level. Trust your Angels and Universe for they will guide you. There is no need for anxiety or fear and you are encouraged to think larger. Imagine yourself and your work reaching and touching a larger amount of people. This can happen with ease and makes you feel comfortable. It takes no effort to think big than to think small. Remember, we create our reality by what we think about, dream or imagine. Just simply think a little bigger and the Angel will guide you.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I took a different approach as the guidebook very much talks of someone who has a job or does work that helps a lot of people. Not everyone goes onto a path of helping humanity on a grand scale. I looked at this card as more of being open to the possibilities the Universe can bring. Not everyone are open or awakened, so if this card came up for someone, I’d want to advise this on a more personal level as they may need smaller steps.

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