Energy Oracle Cards - Envy



My Interpretation of the Card


It’s time to do away with the negative thoughts towards yourself or others. Limiting thoughts such as “why does that person have more than me? Why do they always have it good?” need to cease. There is much to be grateful for in your life. As you can see in the picture, there is a bright setting behind the lady, if only she could see it and not focus on the darkness that seems to capture her attention. If you have jealousy towards someone, stop and reflect on why. There is no need to be judging someone on their life and comparing it to yours. There are always good things surrounding you to be grateful for. Try to take a moment to appreciate and rest your mind away from those thoughts that do not serve you well. Don’t undervalue your life.


This card in reverse suggests that you are starting to approach a period of negative cycling. You have started to appreciate what’s around you and counting your blessings even if they are small. Maybe you’ve had to walk away from a toxic situation or the environment wasn’t creating an encouraging thought process, you’ve come to step away from the negativity that was bringing you down. Although you’re trying to escape the darkness, know that the light is always there to shine through. If you keep focusing on the good things, that will create a naturally flowing on positivity in your life. There is no need to compare one’s life to another and you should always focus on what brings good energy towards you.


Guidebook meaning – Summarised

Lack, Dissatisfaction


This card has a woman holding a pearl in one hand and platter of coins in the other. She has a lie of abundance but ignores and longs for the prosperity she sees elsewhere. She has a golden city behind her but chooses to stand in the darkened room. Focus on the dissatisfaction causes jealousy rather than focusing on counting the blessings you already have in your life. It’s time to move away from this thinking and notice all the things you have in your life. you need to move your thoughts to appreciation and value or things will not change and you will continue to envy in others.


This card reversed shows a shift in focus to one of gratitude. your energy will shift towards more being attracted to you through release of old feelings of envy. By keeping this type of energy up you will have an abundant life and acknowledge the value within and that around you. You won’t lose sight of your goals as you attract more in your positive mindset.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 



Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I actually had two readings where this card come up upright so I just sort of remembered what it meant. I guess it's a good thing to remember from a reading in order to feel familiar and learn. 


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