Angels, Gods & Goddesses - God of Indulgence

God of Indulgence

My Interpretation of the Card

It’s okay to indulge from time to time. Don’t be hard on yourself because you decided on a little indulgence and thought that would mess up your goals. Whether it’s exercise, weight loss, or maybe you’ve been working hard and had no play, it’s okay to take a break from that routine. Still stick to your goals and know that it isn’t a failure if you side stepped for a moment. As long as you keep at it, don’t be upset for taking a moment to indulge in a treat. It’s not a weakness as we’re all human. Just be mindful to not let the indulgence take over.

God of Indulgence

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

It is okay to indulge from time to time but don’t overdo it. Whether it’s food, drink or substances of any kind, relationships or material possessions, remember excess of any kind leads to imbalance. A little indulgence in one form or another is natural and even healthy, so don’t beat yourself up when you indulge in those things you love. Just be mindful and keep it in balance. When we indulge we nurture and nourish our spirit rather than suppress it.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I was a bit surprised when the guidebook mentioned substances. I guess everyone has different outlets and indulges in different things as long as they don’t overdo it. I guess the author of these cards is more than a realist than I thought. I like that they didn’t ignore the fact that people do drugs. Anyway, I thought my effort was quite good today. Had trouble expressing myself but got there in the end.

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