Angels, Gods & Goddesses - God of the Arts

God of the Arts

My Interpretation of the Card

Have you been pushing aside your creative side? Have you not made time for your artistry? There is so much potential for you to explore the creativity that holds within. This can be from writing to drawing, to music or painting. Whatever talent you hold inside, it’s time to explore this and take the care and time to expand on your skills. Don’t be afraid if it’s not perfect to begin with. Everything comes with time. Know that you have the talent inside to really push your goals further. This is a form to truly express yourself. Maybe you haven’t had the opportunity to express yourself and this is the outlet for you to do so. You can do this as a hobby or expand into a career if you really want it.

God of the Arts

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The true artist within you is about to emerge. You will soon have an urge to express yourself artistically. This will lead you to exciting new ventures or projects. By expressing yourself, this will help you heal emotionally and you will find balance. This is a time for your authentic self and for your to express yourself without reservation. Honour the inner child within you and just be you. You can express yourself in many ways: painting, sculpturing, dancing, singing, writing, gardening, knitting… these are just a few of the ways you can emerge imaginatively and creatively.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I had trouble finding the word “express” when I was typing out my interpretation and then it finally came to me. Thought it was a good effort when I read the guidebook meaning and thought to myself “oh good thing I mentioned expressing yourself”.

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