Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Awakening

Goddess of Awakening

My Interpretation of the Card

There is something inside of you that may have been hidden and now wants to come out. This may be a talent you never knew you had or a skill that needs to come out. Just know that this is right for you and will take you to new heights that you never knew you could. It’s time to be open to the world and allow it to naturally flow to you. With your new found sense of self, this allows the world around you to unfold. Look out for synchronicities that may occur in your life that may pop up in new experiences, new friends, romance, opportunities. This is a wonderful time for you to expand.

Goddess of Awakening

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

Regardless if you are male or female; your feminine –creative spirit is being nourished and awakened in the star of Venus. The Goddess of Love is activating your sensuous nature. Romance is in the air so surround yourself with flowers and crystals, wear your favourite perfume and allow your inner charms to surface. This is a wondrous time of exploration, romance, fun and creativity. A new romance is about to blossom or an existing relationship is about to enter a period of renewed magic, excitement and enchantment. Either way, this period of renewed romance will eventually lead you to explore a new creative venture with your partner.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I did not see this card as a love awakening card. I saw this as an awakening of self – that something inside would instigate change in a person’s life. When looking at the guidebook summary, although it was very nice, it was centred on love and that’s not what I saw.

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