Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Knowledge

Goddess of Knowledge

My Interpretation of the Card

There is already so much knowledge within you. Don’t discount all the things you know and your ability to be knowledgeable. Not everything can be learned from a book or by listening to other people’s opinions. You need to trust your instincts and follow your gut feeling more. You can be truly insightful if you just believe more in yourself. Your intuition is a beautiful thing and you just need to apply it more. You can expand your intuition if you choose and there’s a feeling inside of you of just knowing. Follow what you already know.

Goddess of Knowledge

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The great philosopher Plato once wrote “All learning is simply recollection”. Whilst study is important, remember also that all that you truly need to know is inside you. The Goddess of Knowledge has appeared today to encourage you to start to put all the wonderful knowledge you possess to good use. You do not need to do further courses and obtain further certifications in order to be effective in the you that you would like to do. Simply start doing it now. Start to apply what you already know and trust your intuition. Focus on the love and light and ask the Universe to guide you. When your intentions and motivations are driven by love, the Universe will help you say, do and act in the best interests of all concerned.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I think I went on a different path with my interpretation but I also wasn't wrong at the same time. Good effort today :)

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