Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Sacred Power

Goddess of Sacred Power

My Interpretation of the Card

There is a power within you. That power is one that gives you strength and the will to do anything. There is a situation that is calling for you to take the lead. Sometimes you need to take control to lead others but also, there are times that call is for yourself. If leading others, they will be inspired by your example and that will empower them to rise up. If you need to need to take heed in your life, this is to ensure you steer yourself in the right direction and remained focused. Don’t have fear or doubt as you can do this. It’s an evolving state of your growth, like a blossoming flower.

Goddess of Sacred Power

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

You are being asked by the Divine, Universe, God, Goddess… whatever you believe in, to take a leading role in regards to a project or family issue you are currently involved in. The situation is in need of leadership. If you look at life, everyone has their own opinion on they think things should be done. It is not about who is right or wrong. What is important is that someone takes control. It is better to steer the ship somewhere than to have it drift aimlessly in the wind. Have courage to take control. Ask the Divine, Universe, God, Goddess… to guide you. Lead with your strength and follow the sacred power of your intuition.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I went on a different path to the guidebook meaning. Not to say that I’m wrong, but I just have a different interpretation. I guess some of what I said was similar so I was feeling the vibe.

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