Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of The Earth

Goddess of The Earth

My Interpretation of the Card

You will soon have a deeper connection to Mother Earth. An idea will spark within you that will be engaging and have you spending more time in nature. This might be camping, hiking, visiting scenery though whatever it may be, it will help you gain some clarity or insight into aspects in your life. you may find you become more creative as a result as your imagination begins to come to the forefront. Embrace the ideas you gain whilst in nature and follow through on your creative energy.

Goddess of The Earth

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

The energy of Gaia, the spiritual Goddess of the Earth, is strong within you at present. She reflects the fertile ground of imagination and the infinite power of creativity that you possess. This is a good time to use your imagination and express yourself creatively. Keep an open heart and you will receive an idea over the coming days or weeks that will lead you to an abundant and fulfilling way of life. this idea is somehow connected to imagination, creativity and nature. Over the coming days, it would be beneficial to relax and spend time in nature. Gaia will help to ground you and keep you balanced. She will inspire you to devise ingenious ways to market your idea.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Thought I made a good effort though could have mentioned Gaia in particular. Still came up with a similar reading.

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