Energy Oracle Cards - Happy Family

Energy Oracle Cards Happy Family

Happy Family

My Interpretation of the Card


This cards shows your family protected, all with surrounding light. The home is harmonious with love and peace. The sun shines brightly and the rainbow shows the goodness surrounding you and your family. Spend time and appreciate the relationships you hold. Hold dear to you the good times that you share. Your family is strong and safe.

This card in reversed shows your family needing work. Maybe there is some disconnection and you need to spend some time together to reconnect. Maybe someone in the family requires extra love, attention and care. Communicate with your family in order to heal it. Bring back the harmony by working together. Your rainbow can shine bright again when you've addressed any issues that need attention.

happy family energy oracle cards

Guidebook meaning - Summarised

Closeness, Fun, and Caring

The rainbow symbolises a time for joy and celebration. Close connections may present themselves so don't ignore the fun and life that a friend or family member can bring. Always remember to have time for family and friends and to not neglect this part of your life. They do bring joy and up your vibe. If you're single, this card can represent a potential relationship involving a partner who already has children and become your new family. This card can also indicate a celebration coming like a wedding or party.

When the reversed card shows, this may indicate some distance between you and your family or friends. There may be something standing in the way of your communication or disagreements may arise. Patience is needed in your dealings with friends and family and put in the work to sort these relationships out. Healing comes when you can be loving.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Energy Oracle Cards Happy Family

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
My upright interpretation was a very mcuh simplified version fo the card. I didn't even think about single people in the reading of the card - I will be more mindful of this in future. Thought my reversed card was quite spot on to the guidebook meaning. Felt like this card may be one of the easier cards to read without too much intuition.


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