Energy Oracle Cards - Healer of the Ages

Healer of the Ages


My Interpretation of the Card


This card has come as it indicates that you may require some healing at this time. For us to reach our inner truth, we need to work through the pain, suffering, anger, worry etc until we get to our true self. By healing those patterns, memories or habits, we’ll then be able to move forward in our Divine self. Call in your guides and meditate on all those things that require release so you can enter your higher purpose. This card can also indicate someone entering your life to give you some healing and helping you through your situation. They will guide you onto your true path so be open to receive. Also, this card may indicate you entering a greater life of spirituality.


This card in reverse indicates you blocking a positive energy that could enter your life through a mentor, friend or relationship. For whatever issues you currently hold, that’s blocking you to receiving healing energy that will thrust you forward in life. This can be healing done by yourself in order to get to your true purpose or receiving good energy from this person that wants to help you move forward. Be open to the Universe in where it wants to take you. You are currently closed off to the possibility and your spiritual side. Trust in what the Universe has for you to grow from the inside and out.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary


This powerful being brings about some profound healing and wisdom spreading the light of the Divine from his hands and heart onto you. This light is full of love and powerful healing to bring about an end to any stuck energy, health issues, emotional issues and just bring back some positive energy in your life. You may have felt this presence or require to be open to receiving. You can call upon this being any time in order to gain some balance, energy or revitalization in your life. Know that the healing is taking place at the deepest level.


When this card is in reversed, it indicates that you may be feeling quite off balance and things are upside down in your life. You may feel as though you are losing energy or may have some health issues currently residing in your body. This card is saying that some deeper levels of healing need to take place. You may need to take some time to relax and re-energise. You can call in the Healer of the Ages to work on the issues you may be facing always bring about healing light and clearing some space for you. Repeat this as many times as you like until you believe you are healed.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I didn't actually feel like this was about possible health issues but inner work that the soul needed to get done. I guess I can reference health issues if I feel that comes up though I think this is more about soul healing and bringing about wisdom.


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