Messenger Oracle - Hear the Ancient Ones

Messenger Oracle - Hear the Ancient Ones

My Interpretation of the Card
It’s time to connect with spirit and gain the wisdom that they have to share. Whether it’s connecting with nature or through ancestors in spirit, you have the ability to tap into that energy and learn. They are there waiting for you to contact them so that the knowledge can be passed onto you. You might have always had a knowing that you are quite spiritual and now is the perfect time for you to open to that truth. Feel the energy surrounding you and open yourself to that possibility.

Messenger Oracle Hear the Ancient Ones
Messenger Oracle Hear the Ancient Ones

Guidebook Meaning – Summary
The indigenous people of the world are those who have lived in harmony with the land for countless generations. Among them are the elders whose knowledge and wisdom can teach us of our relationship with nature, of living a life of empathy and to better understand our role as caretakes of the earth. They can teach us wisdom of taking only what we need, wasting little and honouring all sacrifices made so that you may live and grow. Hear the wisdom od the Ancient Ones, learn from their knowledge, lore and traditions.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I went a bit off track and that's okay. I took the route of connecting with ancestors which in a way is correct, as they are the "Ancient Ones". I think those that lived in nature would have more wisdom about being spiritual and being connected.

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