Messenger Oracle - Know You Belong

Messenger Oracle - Know You Belong

My Interpretation of the Card
Know that you have a place in this world just like everyone else. Everyone has a purpose in their life and they belong here on this Earth. Sometimes you may doubt what your drive in life should be and that’s okay. You won’t always have the answers and there is an element of trust in a higher power to guide you on your path. It’s about seeking out that truth that is yours so that you can understand why and where you belong. We serve a purpose and it’s about finding that truth.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary
You have a place. You have a purpose. You are special. Do not change who you are just to suit other people. Don’t allow others to tell you who you should be. Change made just do you can fit the expectations of others does not honour you. You do not need to change in order to belong. You are a blessed child of Gaia and Great Spirit and belong simply because you are.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I took a different turn and didn't think about belonging in the sense of a group of people. I thought on a grander scale of life's purpose for you. Not saying I'm wrong but just took a different road of interpretation.

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