Messenger Oracle - Know Your Power

Messenger Oracle - Know Your Power

My Interpretation of the Card
You are an amazing individual that has a lot to offer this world. It’s time to do away with self-doubt and fear. There is much potential within you that needs to shine and you need to know that. Know the power that is inside of you. You have guides and those in spirit that are willing to help if you just ask. Sometimes just having that guidance is what will lift you up and open up your potential. You have a strength inside of you that you may not even know yourself.

Messenger Oracle Know Your Power
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning – Summary
You have a choice in all things. Your power is born of that freedom to choose, but with that freedom comes the burden of responsibility. To know your power you must accept responsibility for your part in all you experience even when you allow another to impose their choice or will upon you. You have the power to choose if you wear a saddle or bridle, or if another will ride upon your back. Own your own power. Know it and see it in all of your choices and actions.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I took the route of knowing your own potential rather than people making decisions over you. I think it's good to know your own personal power in your own potential as well as not having people control you. Something to think about when I go to do readings.

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