Messenger Oracle - Let Go of the Old

Messenger Oracle - Let Go of the Old

My Interpretation of the Card

It’s time to let the past stay in the past. There is nothing you can change from past situations and past decisions. Don’t hold yourself back by dwelling on things that you cannot change. Move forward. You can definitely learn the lessons from that past situation but it shouldn’t hold you back in the present. You may also need to let go of people that don’t serve your best interests at heart or let go of old habits that do not serve you well. There is much potential and possibility if you embrace the new. Allow the change to occur so that you can grow as a person.


Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Are you holding onto beliefs and notions that no longer serve you? Are you blocking your own growth and forward momentum because you fear to end a chapter in your life? it is time to release all that you hold onto that no longer serves. It is time to say goodbye to all that no longer has a place or purpose in your life. it’ time to have an emotional, or physical, spring clean. It’s time to let go of the past so you can be open to what the future may bring.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I had the right idea with this card. Good effort for today.

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A recent 2021 edition has come out for this set of oracle cards. To purchase them, click on the picture below. Again, this is an affiliate link that will pay me a small commission at no extra cost to you