Messenger Oracle - Let Two Become One

Messenger Oracle - Let Two Become One

My Interpretation of the Card
Don’t fear the emotions you feel in your partnership. Don’t plague your relationship with doubt and learn to trust. It’s okay to let your guard down to someone that allows you to be the person you are. Let go and be open. You will learn so much about yourself by opening parts of your soul to someone you love. Sometimes it’s those vulnerable moments that sees us bare our souls to another and allows us to become one with them.

Messenger Oracle Let Two Become One
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
Share yourself with the one that you love. Be their best friend and let them be yours. Let your trust in each other be unshakeable, and your love be strengthened by knowing and accepting each other’s flaws and weaknesses, and still loving each other despite them. Give yourself completely, trusting that you will not lose your independence or sense of self, but instead become two halves of a stronger, loving, whole.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think I got this card close to it's actual meaning. I thought it might be about letting go of trust issues to allow someone in. The guidebook meaning was that and just strengthening a relationship. I might not have articulated it as well, but I think I was on the right track.

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