Energy Oracle Cards - Magician and the Mirror

Magician and the Mirror


My Interpretation of the Card


This card to me is all about balance with a man holding a flame of water and flame of fire. It’s about moving forward free from any storm that appeared in your past. You have the power to achieve this balance as you are the master of your own power. You are the magician in this picture. Allow the light to come in and radiate into your life.


This card in reverse indicates your life may be in disarray at the moment and possibly by the hands of someone else. There is an unbalance that you need to work through. If there is a person ruffling up your life, learn that you don’t need that toxicity and release that person out of your life. If you’re finding that you’re losing hope with no direction, then reassess your goals and adjust what you need to that doesn’t cause overwhelm and get you back on track. Meditate on it and ask for guidance.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Knowing and Using Your True Power


This card shows a magician holding a flame of passion and action, and in the other a vortex of water and light of reflection. This is all about personal and spiritual power and that the forces of earth and spirit are here for you. The mirror reflects the outer world and the choice you have to use your true power. The silver fog on the horizon should the magic that can be formed. You are the power in your life that can transform your challenges into blessings. The water represents yin – the power of clarity of thought and power of spirit whereas the flame represents yang which is about direction and creativity. You have the power to direct your destiny and there’s no greater and stronger time than now.


This card in reversed heeds a warning that you may be missing opportunities. The timing is right but you may not be choosing to take advantage nor may you realise that it’s a good time to bring the creativity about. You have the power to direct your life though may have self-doubt or not enough belief in yourself to achieve what you need to. These limitations are holding you back from possibility and it’s about taking a risk in some beliefs in yourself. You have the skills and wisdom to make the most of this strong time for you. The Universe is waiting for you to really conquer and it is exposing some useful resources to get you on your way.


**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I wasn't too far off and I remember having this card come up for a friend. I don't know much about yin yang so couldn't say what it represents when it should come up in a reading. This is my final card for this deck so now it's time to really practise.


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