Messenger Oracle - Heed the Messengers

Messenger Oracle - Heed the Messengers

My Interpretation of the Card
It’s time to open yourself spiritually to those in spirit and notice your surroundings in nature. There are messages that are to come your way if you open yourself to them. Maybe you haven’t noticed in the past or maybe you didn’t want to, but there is a stronger presence for you to pay attention. You can connect to your natural surroundings to gain clarity and if you do connect with guides or loved ones in spirit, they are there to help you if you ask. We are always sent messages from the Universe to guide us on our way and we just have to wake up to them sometimes.

Messenger Oracle Heed the Messengers
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
It is easy to ignore the messengers and the signs they show you, especially when they bring a message you do not wish to hear. Now is not the time to ignore the messengers. Do not let fear of change or discomfort silence their voices. It is time to stop procrastinating in order to see and hear the truth and do what is necessary. Heed the messenger for the wisdom they offer is born of your own intuition and need.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I think my interpretation was quite good. I just think the guidebook was more eloquent than how I explained it. Haha! Anyway, I guess that's the charm of my interpretations is that you get my style of conveying messages.

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