Messenger Oracle - Honour Gaia

Messenger Oracle - Honour Gaia

My Interpretation of the Card
It is time to connect with Mother Nature by simply spending some time with her. You can go sit in a park, go walking through a forest or even give some offerings to her. This is a time to reflect and honour nature. Mother Nature offers so much to us and you can give back in your own way. Thank Mother Nature for all she has given and by connecting, you might find some deeper guidance that you need at this point in time.

Messenger Oracle Honour Gaia
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
The Earth upon which you dwell is more than just a rock covered in water, stone and dirt. The Earth beneath your feet, the mountains, the forests, the oceans and the air you breathe are all part of the magical living entity that is Gaia. She is our eternal mother, our provider and our home. Gaia gives you life. Without her, we would not exist. Honour Gaia by seeing the truth of what she is. Honour Gaia by loving her as you love yourself.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I guess I didn't go into a deeper meaning for why you should honour Gaia/Mother Nature. She is the ultimate provider and that's why you should honour her. Will take it on board to provide deeper meanings when I need to.

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