Messenger Oracle - Know Your Fears

Messenger Oracle - Know Your Fears

My Interpretation of the Card
It’s okay to have fears. We all have fears that can weigh us down or trigger responses that we can’t control. It’s about recognising those fears and facing up to them. There is always something to learn, even in your fears. Embrace the lessons you can learn from the things that really scare you. There is knowledge to be gained and although you might not understand it at this time, it’s about owning your fears to one day break them down.

Messenger Oracle Know Your Fears
Messenger Oracle

Guidebook Meaning - Summary
You have fears both big and small. Some fears are good in that it teaches you to be cautious. Other fears you feel are but shadows that you have made real and given substance. They serve only for you to doubt yourself, to question your good judgement, to fear success, to restrict and limit. Look within. Know your fears. Shine a light upon them and see them for the shadows and mist that they are.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook
I took a different route and could have gone into a deeper meaning. I took the approach of knowing your fears and accepting them, but also learn from them. Sometimes not all fears can be overcome, and that's why I think it's okay to know them and then accept them.

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