Energy Oracle Cards - Third Chakra, Archangel Chamuel


Third Chakra, Archangel Chamuel

My Interpretation of the Card


Archangel Chamuel has come today to assist you in your personal power and allow the energy flow to your solar plexus chakra. This is a time to have some self-belief and knowing your self-worth. Maybe you need a bit of a confidence boost to achieve your goals or interact with people. It’s a time for you to be bold and courageous with the energy to take a stand, stick up for yourself or voice your opinion. Just know that you have the strength to achieve what you’ve currently set yourself to do. Chamuel is here if you so choose.


This card in reverse shows blockages in your solar plexus. You may have lost your will power and confidence to stand for yourself. You have closed yourself off and are starting to have depressive or negative thoughts towards yourself. Chamuel is here to heal you and help you through these blockages. This is the time to ask for guidance to get some of your personal power back. Right now you may feel powerless and feel like giving up but no matter the trauma or turmoil inside, with the assistance of Chamuel, he can heal this so that you can feel confident in yourself once more.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Emotions of Desire, Life-Force Energy


Archangel Chamuel holds a golden sphere of light at the solar plexus where the centre of your life force energy resides. When this card appears in upright position, this indicates a great time to move toward completing your desires and you may experience some increased enthusiasm. You are quite powerful at the moment and you are being called to direct your energy with purpose and focus. Go for what you want and see yourself succeed!


This card in reverse indicates a lack in purpose or low energy. You have been scattered and need to rebalance and centre yourself. Call upon Chamuel to help your harness your power back through your life force. He can give you increased enthusiasm and change your attitude for a more positive change towards your goals and daily life.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 


Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I felt like the guidebook meanings were focused on enthusiasm in life which does directly relate to your personal power and life force. If not enthused, then you wouldn't necessarily feel powerful in life. I think also the way people interpret what each chakra is for will determine the reading of the cards.


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