Sacred Power Reading Cards - Purification

Sacred Power Reading Cards Purification

Sacred Power Reading Cards - Purification

My Interpretation of the Card

It is time to release all that doesn’t serve you well. You need to cleanse yourself of anything that brings a low vibration to you. This includes people, bad habits, negativity and distractions. You know who and what they are. Even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself right now. Take your time to truly think about what doesn’t have you at your highest vibration and slowly weed it out. You are your best self when you are doing activities or are surrounded by people that bring the best out in you. You need to separate from that which only brings you down. When you can let go and release, it makes way for new paths and a new being into your life. Purify yourself so you can be your best.

Guidebook Meaning – Summary

Purification as a symbolic practise that brings us closer to our Divine self and celestial and heavenly beings. The practise washes away impurities from the soul and pollutants from the physical body. Purity allows us to see and hear the voice of truth and keeps our egos in check. Cleared unwanted energy by focusing on emotional balance. Eat clean, nutritious food. Now is a time to open your heart and soul to release any old trauma, pain, emotional wounds, suffering or regret.  You are able to release these old energies and liberate your soul and mind from old beliefs and physical restraints. Cleansing your physical space is required. Get rid of old items, move things around in the home or work space and clear unwanted energy. Water is a conduit for channelling and spirit communication. Spend some time around water such as lakes, waterfalls and streams to purify your mind. Be mindful during these moments. Your observations and impressions will give you great insight into your current emotions.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

I took a completely different track to the guidebook’s meaning. I took it as a cleanse of things that lower your vibration and didn’t think about water being the cleansing element for release. I looked at the card and thought the water was the power of self to clear anything that doesn’t serve you. Not that I’m wrong, but I just took another direction with it.


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