Your Oracle Message - Guardian

Are you need of a message today?

Guardian - Guard your energy

You may be one that likes to help people but could you be overextending yourself? Could there be someone in your midsts that may be taking advantage of your energy? This can happen if you're a person who gives, gives and gives whilst there are people out there who like to take, take, take.

This card is letting you know to be more mindful of your environment as someone could be draining your energy and that's not a benefit to you. They could be continually taking from you and you may be left feeling like all your energy has been zapped.

Make sure the exchange you have with others is an even exchange. When someone is sucking all the energy from you, they are usually called energy vampires. You just need to be wary and protect your own energy. Be aware if someone is taking advantage of you.

It's always good to help others if we feel good in ourselves or maybe we have more energy than normal. Always take care of your energy first before helping those around you. It is always more than okay to focus on you as a priority before you lend a helping hand.