Your Oracle Message - Energy Shift
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Energy Shift
I've talked lately about closing off chapters in your life, moving away from things that don't serve you and starting new beginnings. Yesterday's card of New Dawn means a new day is upon on you and that means a big change is about to occur. Do not be fearful of what's to come but have faith and trust in a higher power as you are being looked after.
Your path is unfolding the way it's supposed to and carrying on from this is a massive energy shift within you. When we are working towards what we want to achieve in life, through our goals and dreams, we start to see that we are on the right path. When we pursue what it is we want out of life, our energy will shift onto a more positive vibration. We will be our most authentic and truest selves.
No one can set goals and dreams for you - this has to come from within. It can be in regards to your career, passions and hobbies you want to pursue, or just what you want to complete in life. We all have different needs, wants and desires. We become more aligned to ourselves when we aren't living on someone else's terms and living to who we truly are.
The universe is wanting you to take a step towards change. It may be uncomfortable and unfamiliar, but if you go into it with an open mind and embrace the possibility, you're going to notice the energy shift into a more positive light. You will feel your best when you're following your dreams, goals and aspirations, so it's time to live your truth.