Your Oracle Message - Connection

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Connection - We Are All Connected

Connection - We are all connected

Connection can come in all shapes and forms. It can be that with a higher power - God, the Universe, the Creator or Source... Whatever you may call it. It can be that with our surroundings - nature, plants, trees, the sky. It can be with one another - how we can help one another, how we can be kind in our day to day, how we can have gratitude towards one another. It can also be the connection we have to ourselves - do you get the time to spend with yourself and really connect to who you are as a person or who you want to be?

Interconnectivity of everything flowing through energy and vibrations. We can all influence one another with our energy. If someone is happy and hyped up about something, do you also buzz with positive energy? The same goes for when someone might be negative and angry, can you feel that uncomfortable energy when around them?

I feel like this card is about thinking of our energy and how that can convey to others. We have the power to create the energy we want to emit to those around us. Now, we aren't always happy, and if you are having a bad day, can you pause and think about how you may be acting, what you're saying in the moment, what's your attitude, and taking a moment away from the situation to bring about some peace and calm to yourself. By doing that you might not say or do something that could upset someone.

We can influence others with our energy and think about how we are around others. We're all interconnected and imagine what the world would be like if we were all loving and kind to one another. If we work on yourself and are loving and kind to yourself, it makes it easier to emit that to others.