Your Oracle Message - Between Worlds

Are you need of a message today?

Between Worlds - New Directions

Could this be a change of setting for you? From one to the next... A massive change is occurring. Our life is like a book with many chapters and you could be ending one soon.

What this card may be suggesting is that whatever path you're on, isn't where you're supposed to be. The universe has been sending you messages and opportunities to lead you in another direction that is beneficial to you. Examples can be a career change at work, maybe someone is offering a business idea you've always wanted to pursue, maybe it's time to write that book you've always wanted... Whatever it may be, this is the time for change and time for action.

You may have hesitancy as it's not familiar ground. The change will push you out of your comfort zones, and with any major change, you will feel uncomfortable. You don't know what's going to happen as it's not part of your routine, so doubt may prevail. But what if you went into it with the mindset of "this is new, exciting and the opportunities are endless". There are many good things that can come out of it. Thinking about it positively means you can have more anticipation of what the future holds.

When we go through change, it may be daunting but if you embrace it, think about all the benefits. You're heading in a new direction for a reason and the change in your path may be exactly what you need.