Your Oracle Message - Serenity

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Serenity - Be Calm

This card has come up in today's reading as it's a gentle reminder for us to find something that brings about peace.

It's going to be different for everyone. Some like to go into nature and soak the peaceful energy. Some like to use meditation to quiet the mind, slow things down and be in the present. Whilst others may find serenity in doing an activity they enjoy, like a hobby or passion, as it may make you feel content and calm. There's no rule book in how you achieve serenity, but it's about finding it.

You might be going through a stressful time right now, which we all know can happen with our adult responsibilities, and sometimes we just don't have the time to spend with ourselves. This may be the opportunity for you to find that time and find an activity that will quiet your mind. By being present, it will allow you to stop stressing and worrying about things happening in your life as they might be weighing on you.

If you can find a calming activity, you may find that you'll be reset, having more focus and clarity. Pause for a moment and think about what you can do to bring about calm.