Your Oracle Message - Your Path

Are you need of a message today?

Your Path - Have Courage to Follow Your Own Path

What a really important message!

This may call for some self reflection, self exploration and just taking some time for yourself to truly dig deep and find what our needs, wants and desires are. Are there passions, hobbies, dreams or goals you have? And can you integrate that into your life?

We all get busy with our adult responsibilities, that sometimes we don't find the time for ourselves. This might be a moment to pause and think about what might light a fire within you, but it's also about pursuing the goals and dreams you want to achieve during your time on earth.

Sometimes we are living on other people's terms. We are taught by teachers, family and friends who teach us what they know. They guide us in a certain direction, but as you grow older, you may find you don't align to what they've taught. We might be shaped around what others have taught us and you might start learning something that aligns more to who you are - whether it's a religion, spiritual path or thinking about how the world operates.

By following your own path you pave your own way. Can you think about the steps it'll take to achieve what you want out of life? We can have clear intentions, manifest what we want and work hard towards our goals. If you're not following your goals and dreams, can you ask yourself what's stopping you? Are you really fulfilling what it is you want to do in life? If you're not, can you change that?

Have the courage to take even the smallest step towards a life you want.