Day 86 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - How Can You Feel Compassion...
/Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash
Lesson 86: How can you feel compassion...
The compassion we hold for others can definitely be applied to ourselves. Today’s exercise is all about closing your eyes and really thinking about past mistakes, grief, shadows etc. There is no reason why you can’t hold the same compassion that you hold for others.
I feel like I have really opened myself to my own compassion as I’ve started this spiritual journey. Whether I realised it or not, I feel like I’ve really accepted past trauma that has plagued me for months and years. Yes, I had the help of hypnotherapy also but even before I decided to take that step, I really looked at past events that really swamp my mind of negative thoughts and worked through them. I approach myself with compassion because you make decisions that sometimes turn out right, whilst other times just turn your world upside down. I guess that’s all about being human. You can’t really know the impact of a decision until you’ve gone through it.
There have been some poor decisions I’ve made, but I’ve come to know that it’s all lessons in the wheel of life. At the time I may not have understood what was happening and there may have been turmoil, but in reality after some time and reflection, you start to learn how strong you can be in overcoming some hard situations and poor decisions. No one has a manual on life, so just go with what comes even when it seems like everything is in disarray. There are always ways to forgive yourself and move on.