Day 86 - A Year to Clear - Softening Attitudes
/Photo by Jan Mellström on Unsplash
Lesson 86: Softening Attitudes
Stephanie Bennett Vogt talks about four sets of phrases in her book “Your Spacious Self” which promotes “softening attitudes”. I have not read the book myself so do not know what it entails but my understanding is about taking an understanding approach to one’s self, really being aware and applying compassion whilst being truly empathetic and expanding our thought processes in creating our spacious selves. This week’s concept of “Enough” is the start of these four phrases and the first question asked is “What is a thought or belief that you have around scarcity that you'd like to "soften" and release?”
I don’t have the same thoughts as I used to when it comes to possessions. I always thought I didn’t have enough because that seems to be the consumerist way we’ve been conditioned to think - “Oh I need that dress” “Oh I must have all those lipsticks” etc. We always seem to think what we have is scarce when we really have a lot in our lives and should live with more gratitude. I don’t believe I need to release any beliefs around my lack thereof. I know I have enough in my life and in fact I think I have so much good things happening in my life that it’s like I have enough and so much more.
I think we’ve all fallen into the trap into thinking we don’t have enough but it’s a real self-awareness to come to the conclusion that we have so much! We have loving and supporting family or friends, we have enough food on our tables, we have money to buy the clothes on our backs, we have clean water…. The lists go one really. Take a moment to really take on gratitude and try thinking about what we have good going on in our lives.