Day 95 - A Year of Spirituality - Forgiveness Leads to Control
/Photo by Jake Thacker on Unsplash
Lesson 95: Forgiveness Leads to Control...
We continue on the passage of compassion. Again the idea that “forgiveness leads to control” is ever present. Having forgiveness rather than compassion instigates a notion that one person is better than another – according to this lesson. I don’t necessarily agree but I digress. Compassion leads to connection with other souls and we can live and breath this. By applying compassion, we unite as one and “Oneness” is the next opening of the heart. Today is about thinking about why forgiveness or lack thereof is an act of control. From there, consider compassion as an act of love and let these ideas brew in your head.
I personally am still 50/50 on forgiveness. I can see how it can be an act of control especially in those situations where people are begging for someone’s forgiveness and that person will not let go. I think in those situations, then yes it’s an act of control but like I mentioned in my previous post, I believe there are some situations where we are hurt so badly, that you can’t forgive this person just yet, but maybe in time. I think when you’re comfortable with what’s happened then you can move forward. It really takes a lot of inner peace to get to this point of applying compassion. If you’ve been wronged to the point where it impacts your life, I truly believe it takes time and you may not want to apply compassion to the other party. That’s why I think you should do it when you feel good in your heart to and that’s why I think forgiveness can go hand in hand with compassion. It really depends on the situation.
Compassion is an act of love because it takes something greater than yourself in order to give it. It’s about accepting people for all that they are and that comes along with some great inner peace. I think compassion goes a long way because it not only helps others, it can really teach you more about yourself. Compassion is for the greater good. When we deliver these acts of kindness, I think we become one. One in understanding, one in healing, one in love. I think it’s good to not forget to apply compassion to yourself and find that inner peace before offering it out for others though. It’s easy to get caught up in helping others, draining yourself and not realising you need that self-care also.