Day 108 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Self Loathing is the Root
/Photo by Amber Maxwell Boydell on Unsplash
Lesson 108: Self Loathing is the Root..
In society we are often falsified with images or a mentality, that we need to be perfect – we need the perfect body, we need the perfect skin, our decisions need to be perfect, our work needs to be perfect… What does this create within us when we do not achieve this perfectionism? – self-loathing. When we are less than perfect, we start to self-sabotage ourselves with downward thoughts that we aren’t good enough and not perfect. But that isn’t true at all. The ways we’ve been conditioned grows into this belief of perfectionism but it’s really not achievable if you think about it. It’s like setting a standard so high that you are bound to fail. We need to do away with the notion that we need to be perfect. What we should understand is that we all are ever growing, ever expanding, ever learning. When we can accept this, our possibilities are boundless.
Today we are to think about what we were like 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago…. What were you like and what did you learn? If we let go of the self-loathing, you can see you were growing during those moments.
I know I felt lost a lot of my life, especially during my twenties. I know I felt like I wasn’t good enough and wasn’t capable of achieving anything in my life. I feel like this was a common theme even from when I was a teenager though I believe it stems from being bullied and not having the confidence to do anything. I didn’t have the drive I could have but maybe I wasn’t supposed to. I think whatever I went through happened the way it was supposed to lead me to the individual I am today. I still have some negative thoughts towards myself but I’m good in correcting them or doing away with them. I think because I am self-aware in what I want, I am good at striving towards them at the pace I need to go. I have done away with any thoughts around trying to be perfect and just work hard at being the best version of myself.
so, in what ways have you grown?