Day 109 - A Year to Clear - Become More Fluid
/Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash
Lesson 109: Become More Fluid
Today is all about observation. We all should take a moment to watch someone or something move with fluidity. It can be anything from the cars passing by, the trees moving in the wind, people working on a construction site. We should come to realisation that they all move with ease. This is where we learn – from the simplest of activities.
I was watching the people prepare my food and drink at a café, as well as watching people order their food and drink, then wait. It’s very much like clockwork. Without thought, I see a lady put my food on a rotating griller and then multi tasks onto the next order. The person man my hot chocolate, knew my order before I even finished my sentence, goes to make other coffees in line before mine, whilst having conversation with other customers. I see another girl, not the original girl continues preparing my order. Everything is fluid and no one stops but they are not busy at the same time. It’s natural and done without too much thought. Even those people waiting on their order – order, pay, wait, daydream possibly, pick up order and move on.
What I learn that is that all our actions can be fluid if we aren’t overthinking it. It can become a natural movement or occurrence if we aren’t processing on it for too long. I think with any task we set ourselves, as long as we have an initial plan, we should just go with it and not ponder on it after initial thought. This is achievable for anyone.