Day 11 - A Year to Clear - What is Awareness?
/Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash
Lesson 11: What is Awareness?
Today’s lesson doesn’t delve into anything specific to do but further clarify what awareness is in this course. We want to be on the journey involving our 5 senses but also “the 6th sense of inner knowing – in present time.” By recognising a situation or task we’ve set ourselves to do in present time, it will open us up, helps release stuck energy and then quiets our mind. This is how I will change as a person.
By adding awareness into every task I do, it will help stop our cycles of procrastination, attachment, resistance and fear – essentially all the things that cloud us with overwhelm will start to dissipate. By starting slowly and eventually becoming an expert in overcoming these tasks, it will create a flow on effect to all aspects of my life, with each step being easier as I evolve. And, I won’t carry around the weight on my shoulders, meaning my efforts will become easier with all the steps I put in place using awareness.
This course is a slow drip method and teaches that I am trying to build better habits that allow more space. I am to remain open to what comes and really let go, by not letting overthinking reside in my head.