Day 117 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Universe Moves You Toward
/Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash
Lesson 117: The Universe Moves You Toward...
The Universe is always about elevating us to our highest self. No matter what we do, it wants us to grow and learn on a frequency that is above what we are now. It’s us as humans that bring the vibration lower and it is never the Universe trying to bring us to our lowest of lows. Even in those moments, the Universe wants us to have the highest possibility.
Today is thinking about focusing on the Universe inspiring and uplifting us to our highest potential and that it will never do anything to bring us down. How do you assess your life when you think of the Universe in this way?
I definitely agree that my lowest of lows were definitely brought on by myself or I was a victim of circumstances of others. I believe there was always a lesson to learn and to grow from those darkest moments because you can only go up from there, right? I think part of the problem is that when we’re in a low, we tend to lurk there, sometimes not having the strength or motivation to get back out. Let me tell you that I have stared depression in the face and I know what it’s like to feel empty. A void that you wish you could fill but somehow you just can’t. It’s hard to get simple tasks done. It’s hard to get up. It’s hard to give a shit. It’s hard to be grateful for anything. I know this all too well.
I was very much aware of what I was capable and incapable of in those moments. There were times when I didn’t see the point in living, though I would never consider suicide. I think when you reach certain depths, it’s hard to rebuild your vibration or best self. You definitely need the support whether it’s friends, family, psychologist or support group. I think you need some self-awareness and the will to want to make steps to get out of these lows. I was lucky enough that I got inspired by one person to get me out of my depression. Her name is Mel Robbins and she created the 5 Second Rule. It’s definitely a method of persuasion and programming your brain. One of my friends sent me her work and it helped me get out of my post abortion depression.
In this instance, I feel the Universe showed me that sure, some unfortunate circumstances occurred through my own actions, but there was light to come. I had support, I had a friend who made a recommendation, I became awakened after this situation. From the ashes, I really started to rise and still am. I am the best I have ever been since this tragedy and I continue to see myself soar more than I ever have before. I am resilient and try to spread that to others.