Day 117 - A Year to Clear - Honour Your Hands
/Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash
Lesson 117: Honor Your Hands
Today is about honouring a part of our bodies… that being our hands. Take time washing your hands and taking notice. Use a nice smelling soap and then dry your hands, being slow in the process. Do you feel that you’ve under rated your hands? Do you notice them with more admiration or beauty? How was your breathing during the process?
I thought today’s lesson a bit odd. I didn’t really think washing hands would do me much good. When I actually inputted mindfulness, it changed the way I viewed my hands. They look dainty like a lady but rough at the same time as they start to age. I thought my hand were beautiful and they have a story to tell. I thought that maybe I should take more care on them. They deserve attention. The soap I was using was rose scented and I always love that smell. It’s just a calming and soothing scent. My hands felt cared for as I became more aware to notice my hands. I hand towelled them dry and ensured that no water was left on my hands. I took the time to actually make them dry and not put in a half ass effort. What I did notice was that my breathing was relaxed. This definitely taught me that with the more time and effort I put into things, the more relaxed I feel.
As I sat here typing this, I decided to put on some hand cream. Not only did it feel smooth, it was good to give some extra attention into massaging my hands. I can’t even describe how good that felt.
I’m amazed at the simple act of caring for my hands can go a long way. There’s no reason why this can’t be applied to all aspects of life.