Day 122 - A Year to Clear - Clutter Goes With Us Everywhere
/Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash
Lesson 122: Clutter Goes With Us Everywhere
Clutter, follows us like a natural part of our lives, almost like it’s another body part. Sometimes we aren’t even aware something is clutter until we take it upon ourselves to start clearing. Sometimes it’s bugging us until no end until we actually deal with it. if it continually sits there, it starts impacting us and how we act in everything we do. For instance, avoiding clearing an object or thought might mean avoidance of friends in real life – you’ve created this habit of avoidance with a simple task but it transcends into your everyday activity.
Today we are to think about one thing that is stuck in our home and “overstayed its welcome”. I have many things. Right now, it’s my cat tree – the play object with cat scratchers and boxes for cats. Mine was white and looked nice to begin with. Now it’s dusty, hard to clean, not holding well and sitting near the door to be taken to the bins or if someone from my building wants it, then they can take it. I was just going to place it in the charity collection section. I am trying to create a really nice loving space to be in and I’ve completed one section, though this cat tree is now cluttering that space. I am not sure why I can’t just pick it up and take it down. It’s always one of those “I’ll do it later”. After work today, I will make it a point to bring it down to the charity bin area. That’s asa much as I will commit to today.