Day 129 - A Year to Clear - Participatory Relationship
/Photo by Andrey Larin on Unsplash
Lesson 129: Participatory Relationship
Today’s lesson involved quantum physics and I just wasn’t having the brain capacity. Basically, a potential something becomes an actual something when it is observed. A chair wouldn’t materialise just because, but when it is imagined, observed or intended. These become form when we have given it our attention or energy. They wouldn’t exist without our subconscious or conscious “participation”. That’s me paraphrasing what was said which makes more sense now that I’ve typed it out.
Today we are to think about what are we giving our attention to?
When I think of terms of clutter, wouldn’t it be everything that is clutter? Haha! But today, it was pretty much my old bras that had broken underwire that needed to go. I had to get rid of them and trust me, throwing them in the bin was hard, but I had to buy new ones that fit properly. I think for me, throwing them away was hard because it seems like wasted material. I’m not sure that I could have upcycled them in any way… actually, I could probably use the cups and stitch them for the inside of a dress. But either way, the bra needs to go, but I guess the inside hoarder finds it hard to let go sometimes.
When I ask myself the question again, I think basically all my clutter. The furniture and clothes I’ve been trying to sell. The makeup I don’t use and want to give away to my friend’s daughter. All my belongings I want to rearrange to create my own space. I feel like everything is connected one way or another. So, wouldn’t all my attention be linked to it all?